Found some inspirational pictures of lance armstrong doing marathon and biking

omg...i'm still tired, wtf is happening!?!? I felt sore and drained at the same time, i think i need like a quick steroid fix or something -_- ....Anyways, friday again and don't know what to do, maybe check out huff's close out sale...that is after ramon gets out of court. Why is SAR's always having bad encounters with the law??? Sometimes i think he's a drug dealer on the down low or is on FBI's watch list because he's a hacker...For real though, who could get like 3 different tickets in a single month and all from different area codes??? I don't even know if that's just pure comedy or stupidity....

lol ramone got GG
lol that nigga ramone, did u end up going to huf today? i went 4 days in a row lol, they put out some new shit everyday
Ya i went there and saw a long ass line, so i just left. I don't think i'm going there again because we already got hella shoes
yo simon, don't your mom get hella mad seeing that you came home 4 days in a row with hella stuff???
lol she cant do anything bout it, i spent under 200 for like 13 pairs of shoes
lol sounds like a pretty good deal to me
wsup wit those laptops? still got the deal going on or it ended? and what are the details on it
the laptop was on the bestbuy ad and the specs should be online..i mean i don't even know how to read the specs, but its a pretty good laptop for its price. About 700 w/tax
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