............A place called Heaven................

The raining season has come which means less outdoor activities = [ But lets look on the bright side, both of my rides get a car wash and less trick or treaters mean more chocolate for me!?!?

No school today. So got up this mourning, drove moms to work and got some starbeezy afterwords. As of now, i am surfing the net and saw something intriguing. Lets back track a bit, Mexicans have been fighting corporate America, with their RV taco stands, and Tacobell fought back by giving away free taco on Tuesday. In my perspective, i thought the revivalries were only between them two. Yet my persumptions were wrong. As i was roaming around the net, i discovered from another blog that mexicans might have their hands full, that is hand full of competiters. From the pictures, you can see that Japanese are also getting into the market of entrepeunership, where they drive their American influence VW's and set up quickie marts. The japanese are more remarkable because they're competing with all the taco stands and the liquir stores!?!? That includes all the 7-elevens, sushi boats, and habibi's on the corner. Needless to say, the Japanese compete with style and more varieties. I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves...

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