..O-M-G.... O.O

No school today, but need to prepare for tomorrows wedding!?!? Anyways, i made a "get well soon" card for myself....

Initially I've created this blog for personal use(journal) but somehow included bunch of random stuff(articles and interesting news). To keep this blog description short, this blog basically displays my journey through life,both good and bad.
Haha danny i hope u get well too. Dude my parents ghave a banquet to attend tomorrow too think a wedding? But then the twist is...only for adults lol
lol just show up anyways, lol i would haha
lol can't have to go to g-ma's house...
Oh and my parents say it is only for mr. and ms. But then you guys r allowed because he is your uncle or close relative
are u going to school on wednesday?! academy of science free day next wednesday.. let's go!! it closes at 5pm though
hmm it depends if i have a lot of homework...plus if my parents let lol
I have school on wensday, but i get off at 4pm....so i dont know if i can make it
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