Today was crazy...CRAZY... After our family ate at the shanghai restaurant , Tony and I went to bike at Woodside. It was really tiring up the hills and mountains, therefore, "no pain no game". Just when i thought all the tiresome part of the route was done, ~5 miles hill climb, the unexpected happen. I fell and i fell hard. I was probably going 15 mph when i fell off the bike. The accident had happened because i went too much to the right and then off road. As a result, the front tire blew out and i guess i fell on my side upper leg and head. Most of my weight fell on my upper leg and then transferred the momentum onto my shoulders. I remember right after the fall, i just got up and brought the bike and myself to the side. So as i was checking if everything was ok, the tire made a hissing sound, which was the worst part of the fall because bike with no tire means walk. Since i could no longer ride, my bro just went to get the car and it took him an 45 minutes or so.
After getting picked up and driven home, i went CSI on my bicycle accident. Here are the results from the fall: blew out tire, a big bruise on my upper left leg, a "bear attack like" jersey, broken sunglass, a broken helment and little pain on my head. I must say, the cheap helment really saved my life, even though it broke into two pieces. Also, i'm suprised that i survived the crash without any scratches and rashes. So here are the evidence collected from the crash and dinner at millbre.
SAR is gonna go SARS attack on you lol
his bikes not messed up though, i got more messed up than the bike...
aiyah, be careful man . get yourself another helmet. and while you're at it... some knee pads, shoulder pads, elbow pads, chin guard, might as well be the next bubble boy
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