Our triathlon team just came back from running+biking. The runners were primarily matt and I, dipset only did the first half of running. Everything was cool, sightings, wild animals, road kill of a snake, and SAR's whining like a little biaaatch. We did about 7.5 running, SAR's didn't even run for a mile, probably walked the whole thing because we couldn't even see him.Beside that, today was a good training and hopefully we would do something like this next week =]
Yesterday was fun, the dinner was awesome. Whats better then to have a little follow up of yesterday's fun?!? Here are some pictures of yesterday's dinner =]
LOL look at fet-q's picture
lol he needs a better tan
dat nigga SARs tryin to be part of the family
lol sometimes sar's do be always around the house, 3-4 times a week...all because tony always needs his comp to be fix...tony said anything from ramon is a lifetime warranty+ 24hrs tech service
hhahah its like ur parents gained a 4th son
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