Here's the Wildflower Triathlon Tony and I will be attending

O-M-G....... i just found something soOoOo cool. I will watch this immediately after i get home. What can be a better documentary than a documentary of Nissan GTR!?!?

I'm so mad right about these days can be so ignorant....When i walked out to the car this mourning, was about to drive Andy to school, he said "there's like a sticker on your car". So i went and look, apparently some kid( i knew it was a kid because they've done similar stupid shit on my car before) sticked a pad on the trunk of the car. First i was like haha whatever, but when it was time to take it off, those things are a pain to peel off. Those damn pads are like made with super glue or something, it required like 409 detergents/cleaners to get them off. Anyways, i think will soon need to go oo7 on their asses and install a hidden camera outside our house, i'm going to need evidence to start embarrassing them in front of their parents and students for being such tards.
wtf? slap them upside the head
Dang danny that sucks..u should do some bruce lee on whoever did that
for real, i should go ape shit on everyone of them. But i just haven't narrowed down which mexicanos been acting stupid
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