I feel sleepy...just came back from yum-cha, across from classic bowl. Afterwards, we went to circuit city, sports authorities, office depot, and ross. Apparently, i didn't get anything and my mom bought $80 worth of stuff...just stuff which we don't even need!?!? Yet, i did find something i wanted to get, which is an hp laptop. I might go there and check it out again, since office depot is having a 22yrs of business promotion sale and the lap got ~$550 w/rebate, sounds like a pretty good deal to me =]
Happy birthday to dipset andy tom, i think he's 17. Coincidentally, my mom did n't have to work today and dragged me out to get some coffee with her. We chilled at the millbre starbucks and stocked up at safeway. For now, there's no plan yet...maybe go yum-cha with my grandmama. So here's some pictures i snapped and a photo expression of what no school feels like..D-Y-N-O-M-I-T-E....
haha save me a piece of cake!! My mom never wants to go to starbucks, she said it's too expensive. Anywho see u saturday
what?! Don't tell me u forgot. It's gramma's bday dinner @7!
OMG really? Poo poo's b-day..and danny luck you no school =[...oh and did andy block me on aim o.O
say happy b-day to andy for me
Simon is heller dumb
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