Now, made the U-turn, drank some Gatorade, and heading back to the start. The rest of the ride, back to the start or the last 12 miles of the bike portion, was somewhat exhausting. Due to riding on a clear sunny sky, the sun was just penetrating our skin constantly. In addition, my upper leg muscles were wearing out, due to all the hills which we came down from were the same exact hills we needed to climb back. During my way back, i saw several people with blown out tires and tubes. It would of sucked to be in their position because they might not have carried their spare parts with them,for repair, and we're riding at a hill billy deserted place. Anyhow, mechanical failure was the last thing anyone would want at a deserted location. Needless to say, i rode pass every one of them because I'm not a bike mechanic myself and I'd rather keep my spares, in case anything happens. So it's the final hill before coming down to the slope and back to the start. I just cruised down the last steep hill, so i could save some leg strength. As i got close to the bottom of the slope, loud cheering were noticeable. It only meant that we're that much closer to the finish of the bike portion (25miles). Done, Finito. Unclipped myself and dismounted from my trusty ol bike, Cervelo p2c. Running along side with my bike and arrived at the transition zone, where i the hooked the bike onto the rail of my transition area. Stripped off my bike shoes, gloves, helmet. Then strapped on my running shoes, hat, and took a few gulp of water and Gatorade. Now finding myself lost and searching for the starting line of the running portion. Founded. Again, back to the start.
Running Portion:
Running slowly, trying to recover from the jittery motion of the bike. Now distancing myself from the start, passing the rowdy spectators, and recovering the numb feelings from my leg. While leaving the start, i grabbed a cup of water so i can consume my gel pack(which i had from the start), which I hoped to revive my legs. Yum, chocolate flavor, my favorite.....sigh...The gel pack does't not have an instant effect, like Popeye the Sailor man with his spinach, but it did taste extremely good(like chocolate milk).
To be continue........(early family dinner for mothers day)
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