I wanted to update my blog last night but was too faded to even do anything after yesterday's wild dinner. So yesterday I had my last final, which was done within 15 minutes, with the help of my friend Thuan. He's a pretty cool dude, i give him much props for helping me out this semester. After the last final, my good friend David and I went to celebrate a new beginning of our life chapter, post college life. We were planning to eat at Tommy's Joynt but he thought it was too far, so we headed over to Japantown, intentionally to get some sushi boat. When we got there, we saw some chefs,through the windows, doing some crazy stuff on the grills. Needless to say, they caught our attention and we just headed in for the wildest dinner ever. This place was called Benihana and their specialty is to make dinner entertaining and different. Anyhow, we just ordered a bunch of Japanese grilled dish and sake. The food was awesome but the bottle of sake was just a tad too much for two people. As a result, I got a little bit tipsy. Then the rest of the night was history, knocked out cold on my bed -_- zZzZzz

Most racist camera ever!?!?
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