Swimming portion(0.95 mile), where it all began...........

Had this song in my head during the race
Found a very inspirational clip. This clip was well put together, even though it's a commercial, it sure doesn't look like no commercial. Anyhow, i found this clip really moving and meant a lot to people who've been doubted all their lives. Yet behind every story, there's two sides. But we're mainly drawn towards the most favored side of the story and neglect the other side of the story, which may even be more impressive or moving then the favored side. Moreover, we should all open up our minds to things, things which may seem impossible.
nice! how was it?
It was awesomeness, just some soreness all over the place. I think i've caught the fever after this event......the triathlon fever!?!? i'm looking to do at least 3-5 more triathlon events before this year ends, Andy wants to go try one out too =]
dang that's alot, good luck to all of you then.
yo danny how do i pay for my tuition for sfsu online? let me know i cant find where to click and shit
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