Zhejiang Young Man’s Suicide Jump Broadcast By News

The Curious Case of Michael Jackson......ekk......

Better days ahead???
Damn it's like hurricane katrina up at state.......i hate the rain.......

I found this article quite amusing. It's on local yahoo news, title states "Alameda Boy Allegedly Choked by Father". The title of this article is basically self explanatory. The reporter states, " When police asked Haidar why he had done so, he "blamed the economy and said he had too many tickets".........lol sometimes you just got to choke the living crap out of someone, in order to relieve your stress. Another shocking quote, " Scott said Haidar told police that he also planned to kill his wife, who wasn't at home at the time the boy allegedly was choked." Hmmmmm, and i wonder why people ask how come I choose to become an econ major. But on the serious note, it'll suck for him because the father will be charged with attempted murder.
Article:"Alameda Boy Allegedly Choked by Father"

Well just came out of my chinese 101 class, mandarin sucks....period...I was looking at some other peoples blog and found this interesting picture. It's a little Japaneses kid next to some 18 or 19 inch wheel. In comparison, the wheels looks bigger than the kid. I need something like that on my rides!

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