Just got home from night class. There hasn't not much on my mind, just been really busy with an economic analysis paper. Just when I spent days finishing up the one paper, which I've just turned in, i got another one due a week from today. Anyways, this last semester consist of lots of writing and reading. About reading, i took some time off on this paper and went to check out other people's blog. What i came across was pretty interesting, yet also disturbing. On this other person's blog, there was a video clip of a 2-year old boy smoking a cigarette. Not because it's a 2-year old boy smoking, which i 've seen before on another blog, this boy looked like a professional smoker. Nevertheless, i think it is just wrong that his parents allowed and encouraged the kid to smoke.
"2-year old smoking a cig"

"Another Asian boy smoking a cig"

Bored in the foreign language computer lab...Today's going to be a long day, will be in school from 8am-10pm =[ .....

doing mandarin?
yup, learning a new language at my age sucks
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