Classmate: " When i meditate while standing up with my eyes closed, i tend to sway to one side".
Teacher: "Maybe you should try siting down when you meditate"
Classmate: "But i don't like siting down when i meditate. Is there anyway i can solve this swaying problem, without siting down and remain in my personal meditated position?"
Teacher: "May i ask you about how long will it take you to feel like your swaying, when your meditating "
Classmate: "About 5 minutes or so"
Teacher: "It seems like your just tired and falling asleep. You should just fall asleep when you feel the swaying motion"
Whole class: "LMAO"
Seriously, i think thins class is the most dumbest and useless class ever. But in the end, i think i will miss this class the most after i graduate. Mainly because this is the most hilarious class I've ever taken and the class topics are so ridiculously stupid.

Well, i had the chance to drive the AMG today. All i can say is, "So A-M-A-Z-I-N-G" (Kayne West voice). That car just don't want to be driven slowly, it just purrs when i drive normal, all hells breaks loss when i put it petal to the metal. It's a scary ride, yet very controllable. Anyhow, i've noticed a lot of steers, even when it's top is up....I wonder what things would look like, top down =]..... Nevertheless, driving a 500hp car(v8 supercharged) is an unbelievable experience.

Hella bored in the Foreign Language Lab again....

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