Another long day. Again, i went to the unemployment office with my mom, to deal with her unemployment benefit issue. Luckily, we finally got through the other line to speak with a real representative of EDD, which we've been trying for a whole damn month, and i guess the problem have finally been solved. It is just amazing how slow government paid workers work and at the same time how much they get paid. Anyhow, i had to drive my mom to renew her passport afterwards, near japantown. Since it took her awhile to get her ish done, i just walked around japantown and see what was up to date. I guess the new trend is the "terrorist type scarf", a lot of people is wearing them...what's the next trend? maybe a turbin?!!?

Haha, the sava pool i heard from my p.e. teacher is at 80degrees in temp, as well as the other pools in SF
lol thats so funny, terrorist scarf. I think those non winter scarves are so annoying :P
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