Initially I've created this blog for personal use(journal) but somehow included bunch of random stuff(articles and interesting news). To keep this blog description short, this blog basically displays my journey through life,both good and bad.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Just came back from the sava pool. The swim was alright but it seems like i'm a pretty slow swimmer or i was just on the fast lane. It's either i'm a slow swimmer or i need to get myself a speedo. I'm not even joking about how fast they were, they're like x4 faster than my pace. Anyways i do not feel prepared for the swimming partof the triathlon challenge. Aside from swimming, i've gotten a really big surprise when i got home. I went on my sfsu account to check on my grades, surprisingly i've recieved a B for my econ statistic class. I literally choked when i saw a B, i was really expecting to fail or recieve a C-. As a result, i now believe in miracle, or maybe 2009 is my year of luck!?!? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a pretty cool clip i found from another blog
Something about me?!?! I don't even know when and where to start... how about what's recently been happening. Currently I am a SFSU student just trying to graduate by next spring 09. Aside from schooling, i've been into training and marathon events. People asked me what inspired me to run, i would say pretty much from a leg injury and realized how important our limbs are. Anyways, i recently got into just taking random photos and writing blogs, it's just much easier to communicate and express my feelings??
1 comment:
Gratz dude
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