Did a whole lot of walking around san francisco downtown area today. First place of visit was the union square Christmas tree, then visited a bunch of surrounding stores and not the SF center, due to over crowding. After about 3 hours of shopping, ramon and I went to stonestown for another hour. Following stonestone, we went to burlingame to shop a little more, little did we know that we had shopped almost the whole day. Things aren't really that cheap, even though there are like big signs of 20%-40% off, lets just say they're advertising and marketing scheme was somewhat working. Anyhow, i haven't bought more than a $100 worth of items, so their marketing strategy isn't fooling a college student ;]

Went running at 7am and got home 8am, total distance covered was 5 miles. It was a pretty bad experience running in the cold, 40 degrees, anyhow it feels great being able to run again. I haven't been running for awhile since school pretty much kept me busy. So i guess this school break i will have to do some intense training, for spring time triathlon :]
lol it's like 6 am right now, i just couldn't go back to sleep because of the fact that i no longer have anything to worry about. So as you can see, i started my day way way early today, i actually woke up around 5:30am.
good job. the cousins should go out for some tapioca or some frozen yogurt soon since finals are overrrrrr
yes yes i want some!?!?
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