I'm still a little bit tripping about the sfsu library renovation. The temporary "Lennax Library" is nowhere close to the school campus, the new library is actually more than half a mile away from 19th avenue. You might ask how did i know?!? Well yesterday, i had my first adventure to find this new library, of course i got lost, until some mexican janitors pointed me to the right direction. Even though i didn't understand their espanola fully, i still managed to break the sentances into bits and pieces of broken spanglish. 15 minutes later, i finally arrive to my location and to a place i never knew excisted on sfsu campus. Then i whipped out my walkdometer, my phone gots this feature of how many miles i walk a day, calories burnt, and steps. Surprisingly, i walked 5.1 miles the whole day, without walking to this new library i usually walk 2.5 miles. As you can see, it's quite a work out going to this new library.

Currently at school, just can't wait for this day to be over. That's right, Wednesdays are the start of my weekend, but things won't be that relaxing this early weekend. I've actually got like 3 take home finals to do and a economic homework to do. So with simple math, 3+1= helluva lot to catch up on. Ever since my mom came back home, i realized that we've been eating too well, i already got a blister on my lip from eating too much "longan". Anyhow, food issues haven't been a problem since last Saturday =]
lol that's alot of longun, and how much x-mas decorations do u have?
all around the front door, side gate, and front balcony...and the side of the garage...plus a deer
lol don't tell me its one of those moving deers!?
dude, and can u believe them? smuggling longan in their PURSES across the border haha WTF
lol i know huh, that's some hilarious shit...also the deer doesn't move, where too poor for that one =[
but my neighbor gots the moving deer =]
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