In just a few minutes, I got to go to work again....I don't have enough sleep =[ Yesterday was a pretty crazy night. After getting off work, my co-workers and I headed over to the Stownstone mall Chevy restaurant for the happy hour special. We had a bit of too much to drink and chatted for a bit too long while we was there. As a result, my crazy ass Indian co-worker suggested this wonderful idea that we all should go hang at the beach and chill, and this was at around 11pm. So we got there and he mysteriously pulls out this carpet from the trunk when we got to ocean beach, it was hilarious when he did that because no one does that to my knowledge. And instantly I thought he was trying to remake the Disney cartoon movie "The Aladdin", since he fit's the description. Anyhow, we chilled around for a couple of hours at the bond fire, chatted, joked, and what not...then we headed back down to his parked car. While driving away, there was foreign object on his windshield and later realized that it was a parking ticket..LOL... a parking ticket at 10 something at night. By the time I reached home, it was 1am. Furthermore, yesterday night was just hilarious.

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