Late night entry. Summer is about to end soon and i still haven't found a job yet. So what better to do than to follow what everybody's talking about which is to continue school after graduation. Today, J. and I checked out one of the MBA session at the SFSU downtown campus, surprisingly that place looks 10x better than the one at 19th and Holloway. Anyways applying for an MBA isn't all that easy; you got to have an average of 3.3 gpa, score a 580 on GMAT, recommend having worked for 3 years, 2 recommendation, a purpose letter, and $50k. Sounds a bit hard to get into the school but school will be school. This makes me feel like a new high school student applying for college and SAT all over again. Anyhow, I don't think I will be applying for an MBA anytime soon, after checking how hard the GMAT tests were, when we was at Boarders. Yet, there still may be a possibility that I'll continue school after working for a couple of years and study for the GMAT. Oh well, i'll just have to delay on the graduate school plans and make some hard earn cash first.
(inside joke)

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