I think my parent's are getting annoyed with me learning Chinese. Ever since I've been taking this Chinese/Mandarin class, I've been asking them for their help with my homework. As weeks past by, i sense that their getting annoyed with me asking for their help with Mandarin. For example, just minutes ago, I've asked them to translate the word "economics" in Mandarin and their response were, "go away, you're bothering me while I'm watching TV".....sigh..... I feel like I'm just irritating them by asking for too much help or it's my other theory, the middle child never gets anything......

I think heaven must be calling, might attend to this chocolate salon this saturday! I think it's a treat after midterm week!...........

"US gymnast Shawn Johnson got fat, shocks Chinese".......
dang dude i read about the little kid wanting the toy and the shawn johnson about her increased size..both of these stories r messed up =\
update your blog matt!!! no one ever update anymore!!?!? except for the other blogs that i go to
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