It's hot and i'm exhausted. Just came back from my first night swim ever. Explaining the experience, I would say it was phenominal. Even though swimming laps only, for night swims, i believe it was well worth $4. Swimming at night time was one of those things that i've always wanted to do and today i've done it. Especially swimming backwards at night, your stomach and face facing towards the night sky...and there were the bright star!!! OMG, all i can say is that it is also a priceless experience until you've actually done it yourself. On top of that, there were musics and lights on the pool, this was what made swimming at night so cool too. Swimming along side with other swimmers were fun too because you could challenge them and to the extent, you could imagine and put your self in the vision of michael phelps during the beijing olymipics...LOL.. but anyways it was so much fun swimming at night.
Today was tiring, yes indeedy. Today, i've completed some task, which included cleaning off the paint under my civic, tire rotation, and somewhat clean one side of the r32 rear brake. All that task took close to 3 hour, slow right? Anyways, made some Alfredo fettuccine w/chicken, and of course it's good. Following, i've watched a documentary called "Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden", which the actor was the same guy from "Super size me". It was quite a funny documentary but i wouldn't recommend watching it the second time, due to pointless information.
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