Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I've been so bored for these past few days I turn for YouTube for entertainment. Check this clip out along with the other 5 clips by the same creator, it's hilarious....
Monday, September 28, 2009
Felt like I haven't been blogging for awhile. There hasn't been much interesting stuff happening these past few days, mainly because summer time is fading away and fall is setting in. It's a strange feeling with the weather nowadays, it's been getting dark fairly quickly and it just messes up my sleeping schedule. Anyhow on Saturday my family and I spent the entire day in Chinatown and it was hella hot that day. At Chinatown, people were celebrating the Chinese National/Independence parade at the kearny street playground/plaza. The sighting was alright i guess, with all the OG Chinese having fun with representing for their home country and screaming away with their infamous karaoke skills. Then on Sunday we had some family get together, had yum-cha/brunch and shopped a little afterward. It was pretty amazing to see how much my cousin paypay has grown, haven't seen her for the longest time, she's almost as tall as grandma. As for today, yum-cha again and did a little baby sitting with Ceres, she's grown a bit too. She grew a couple of teeth and has gotten much heavier...sigh....Watching Ceres grow is just too familiar, like a flashback, the same way I've watched paypay grow up. Nonetheless, I guess I'm just feeling a bit plain old. Why can't I be 21 again!?!?!?

Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Had an interview today as a personal banker for Wells Fargo bank. A description of what this job title include is all the responsibilities of a teller, sell bank products; certificate deposits(CD), loan, credit card, Independent Retirement Account(IRA), and etc. It kind of sucked to be interviewed in a fully suited manner, mainly because it was like +80 degree in redwood city. Anyhow, this interview was quite interesting because of what the recruiters asked us to do; present to a group of interviewees about a promotion for a special home equity loan. The presentation wasn't necessarily hard or anything because we had 15 minutes to prepare and gather our thoughts. I personally thought the interview went well but i still kind of hate the "real" title of the job which is a retail sales position...sigh...Oh well, i just hope that this position could give me more background of the investment/consulting industry and later on a better opportunity comes knocking on my door.

That's racist....

That's racist....
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Just came back from this movie, it kind of sucked....

Recap of Labor Day weekend, BBQ>north beach football> late night activities at Carmen's place

Recap of Labor Day weekend, BBQ>north beach football> late night activities at Carmen's place

Labor Day Weekend 09 from Danny T on Vimeo.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
9-1-09 Happy Birthday to me!

...sigh...I feel soOo damn old, I've finally reached 22 =[ I guess I'm in a bittersweet moment with this turning 22 thing because i had the best time of my life in a single year, 21. Looking back at 21, I think there was a lot I've accomplished. First and foremost, finishing the San Francisco Marathon had really help build up my self confidence, showing that if i put my mind into things, anything can happen. At that moment, i had this ego that anything can be possible if i put my mind into it, so things really did come true. What i thought would be impossible was indeed possible. I had hoped to graduate while I was still 21, and it happened! And only to realize to be the first grandson to graduate in this younger family generation. Following graduation, I've felt lost because there was simply no guidance in the real world. What i meant guidance was that school provided daily schedules and objectives, yet I no longer have that school support and guidance in the real world. While I was looking forward to land in my first real job, i had this wonderful idea of just letting loose and travel the world. What initially came in mind was Japan or Europe, I settled for Europe because there was less of a chance that I'll be visiting that place since it was much more of a foreign place than Asia+more costly. So a week later, wah-lah, arrived in London and followed by Rome. I had a wonderful experience at both locations but 3 weeks was just too much time in a foreign country. Surprisingly, just weeks later, my family booked a family trip to this 8 days East Coast and Canada tour(NYC, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Virginia, Niagara Falls, Canada Toronto, Boston Massachusetts and more). Anyhow, many photos were taken of the best time of my life but I am just too lazy to constantly uploading 5 photos at a time, more photos could be found in facebook page. To end this entry, i just hope that the coming year will be just as fun and adventurous....
Here are some of the photos highlighting my good ol 21
Fun/challenging activities: marathon,triathlon, and tour de peninsula

Vacation: Europe trip, East Coast and Canada tour

Met some true friends and great friends along the way

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