Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Another boring hot day in Rome...sigh...life in Rome feels slow. Slow as in really relaxing and time flies by slowly, which i will sort of miss when i get back home. Even though this place has full of tourist attraction sights and fine dinning, I assume most people will get bored of it pretty quickly. After experiencing these new/old sculptures, it quickly got old when looking at them over and over again. Anyhow, i finally had some Chinese food today, it wasn't the best place to eat but it was something with rice and Chinese chiefs (i get satisfied quite easily). Pretty much having Chinese cuisine was the highlight of the day and is excited to hop back on the plane tomorrow =]
Monday, June 29, 2009
It was boring in Rome today, mainly because many places were closed due to some type of Italian holiday. Anyhow, it was one of the most boring days ever, we just chilled at the Spanish steeps for an hour or so, the pay off was a good tanning. Nothing really special today, just walked up and down the shopping streets more than 10 times, while doing so we tried to free load as much air conditioning as possible(it's that hot in Rome but not as hot as China). So the latest news about coming back to the states is that we'll be leaving on July 1st, rather than the 3oth, because there wasn't no seat for us for that day. Anyhow, i'll be missing this place just a little, just a little because the food over here is over rated and hella expensive...along with clothing and everything....Furthermore, i can't wait to get back home and chow down a large bowl of rice =]

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Today I went to check out the Vatican City. This little holy city was alright, i guess, mainly because i don't know much about their religion. Anyhow when i got there, i had to wait in line for like 30 minutes in the heat just to get into the Vatican, while standing under the scorching summer heat. The security check station was also a pain, i felt like i was in an airport security check point, there were so many regulations such as; no shorts, tank top, and etc. Anyhow, the Vatican was indeed "Holy", everything inside was so spiritual, with paintings, sculptures, and lots of gold(even preserved VIP's). After checking out some tombs and holy stuff, i splashed myself with some holy water(hopefully giving me some good luck). After the holy sprinkle, i had to walk up this 1 mile high steeps, just to get to the very top of the building/church. And when i got up there, my back was all wet but things did pay off when i got to the top. The top was like an eagle's eye, you could see entire Rome up there and the view was just breath taking(it was God-like view). What came after was the long walk back down the stairs, another wet back...sigh....After checking out the Pope's crib, i meet up with Ramon at the Via del Corso street, where all the clothing shops were located( i lost him while i was using the holy toilet). Ummm, not much more to say but i had enough of pasta and pizza. I thought i would never say this but i miss eating rice and pho =[

Saturday, June 27, 2009
It's been like 3-4 days here in Italy, everything has been going well...except my foot pain came back. Besides walking cripple/painfully through the beautiful streets of Rome, things here are expensive but Rome remains a very nice place. Though my foot hurts, I've managed to purchase some Italian pain killer medicine which i can't even read the instructions. All i can make of what the pharmacist said was to take 1 tablet every 8-12 hours and do not overdose on it, she indicated that it was some strong sh*t. Yes, it's a bit of a hassle traveling here due to the language barriers, but whats fun/adventurous when there's no difficulty and challenge right?!?!? Anyhow, while talking about medicine and pain killer, it was quite shocking to learn that the King of Pop Michael Jackson has past away suddenly(suspecting from medical pills led to cardiac arrest). Sigh his death does seems THAT important because CNN has been putting a lot of reruns about his remembrance. But what can we say right, he is really a legend in the music business. Sometimes we just have to accept the rules life and reality of living, anything can happen during anytime of the moment. Thus, we should always live life happy and smile every time we can, so we can all die in peace and happiness.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Currently I am in Rome, Italy. It's like a paradise here, the temperature is above 80 degrees and the sighting is awesome, lots of nice historic artifacts and buildings. Some famous sights i've checked out was the famous Trevi Fountain, the Collisseum, and the Roma Foroums/Ruins. Going to these sight seeings reminds me of elementary history class, we all use to read about Alexander the Great and all of them great roman fights. Anyhow, the next place i'm planning to head to is the Vatican City, where the Pope lives and hopefully i'll capture some nice photos of "Holy" stuff. The only words which i've learn in Italy is "grazie" which means thank you and "prego" means welcome.
Monday, June 22, 2009
6-23-09 London Time
Well i just highjacked someone's computer account at the Sherton Hotel, they forgot to sign off. Anyhow, we checked out the Tower of London today, along with some castles and bunch of other cool sightings. It was nice to walk through the tower of london/london bridge, mainly because we always see this scene in movies and tvb shows(always talking about going to school in the UK and stuff). To top things off was that we had coffee next to the bridge, forgot the name of the coffee shop but they somehow didn't offer creme and milk for coffee(they're hardcore like that).So far, this traveling/adventure/expedition has been exciting and fun. What i've learn so far from this trip is really to just have fun with your life and be yourself. People here is so nice and are always welcome to help tourist out(like myself). Ummmm...what else is there to talk about.....Uhh, i still don't know what to get for souveniers and stuff, mainly a lot of stuff you can get here in london can be bought in the state for about 30%-40% less. Oh yeah, i still haven't got over the british accent, we've been trying to speak like them throughout this trip so we can sound like locals and not get ripped off....sadly we failed to speak like british local pros. Still it is really strange to see someone who looks like us(chinese) and they speak with a strong british accent, even more weird is that black people are behaving themselves(not trying to be racist or anything). Seriously, ever since i've been here, there has not been any crime nor bank robberies in london...just amazing...Oh yeah, i mine as well add that this "good behavior" might be backed by what we call the big brother in the states, which are CCTV 24hour security camera watch on the streets.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Currently i am at the Knightsbridge inside the PCworld store. So far our trip has been fun and Ramon has been a total bitch(hella attitude). Anyhow we've visited many museums; British museum, royal gallerias, the and many more. Also an embarrassing moment at the lawn of Queen Elizabeth's palace was that i fell on the steps and scraped my elbow, something which we call scarred for life. Oh yes, people are very friendly here, no one gives attitude except for "Ramon". Oh yeah, Transformer 2 came out in theater yesterday in London, a whole week ahead of America. Language in England has been quite a funny experience, mainly because everyone speak with an "English" accent, i still haven't got over the fact that even Chinese and Black people are capable of speaking with an English accent.
An interesting location in central london is a place called Soho. Soho/Piccadilly Circus is basically a copy cat of San Francisco, everything there were like for tourist and stuff like that(many restaurant and shops). While we was there yesterday, we had some steak and pork chop for dinner, i didn't realize how raw my steak was when i asked for medium rare. Anyhow, the food here is delicious and the alcohol here is abundance, everyone drinks alcohol here. Oh yeah, I had my first real Guinness beer in london, that drink is so pure and dark, it's quite hard to explain the taste because the foams turns into liquid(from a whole cup of foam). After dinner, we checked out Chinatown and it felt the same as when we was back in the city, it was dirty and smelly.
Before this whole trip, we stopped by New York City. While we was there we checked out time square and wall street. It was quite scary getting there because we had to ride the train through Jamaica Queens, very scary where 50cent grew up(lots of projects and graffiti/and gangsters). It was quite fun when we got to time square, checking out all the yellow cabs and where MTV hold the celebration of the new year. Oh yeah, it was ridiculously expensive when taking a short cab ride from time square to the JFK airport, $50 smackers.
I know my writing is extremely broken right now, due to quick usage and hogging and public computer.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Well Ramon and I finally arrived to London. I'm just updating my blog at an Apple store...LOL... so this is just an update of our well being. Talk to yall "mate" when we get back =]
Monday, June 15, 2009
Next stop after the trip, the San Francisco Triathlon and San Francisco Marathon =]

uHhH, still packing for the euro trip...So much stuff i would like to bring but space is soOo limited...sigh...

Pictures from yesterday's baby shower dinner, the one in the polo is a new dad(cousin).

UC Santa Cruz Graduation (yesterday)

uHhH, still packing for the euro trip...So much stuff i would like to bring but space is soOo limited...sigh...
Pictures from yesterday's baby shower dinner, the one in the polo is a new dad(cousin).

UC Santa Cruz Graduation (yesterday)

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Isabelle's 4 year old birthday party


Here's a new music video from Linkin Park for the new Transformer 2 movie. I love how this band always come up with the most awesome music, lyrics and the whole genre wise.


Here's a new music video from Linkin Park for the new Transformer 2 movie. I love how this band always come up with the most awesome music, lyrics and the whole genre wise.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
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