Thursday, December 31, 2009
It's almost time to farewell 2009. Time to recap. 2009 has been a very exciting and adventures year for me. I was able to finish college which I thought would have taken 5 years to complete (luckily I put in extra effort into studying my ass off during my senior year). Then there was all the sports events I've participated in, just to name a few; Wildflower triathlon, kaiser half marathon and Bay to Breakers. Next, I was lucky enough to travel half way across the globe to Europe, along with a tour of northern east coast of the US and Canada(priceless memories). Last but not least, I got myself a "J-O-B" which my parents had been bugging about ever since my graduation. Although it isn't the best job in the world, it still beats not having a job like many newly graduates. Nevertheless, I hope we will all prosper in 2010. And for now....Happy New Years Eve.

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Yay got my car fixed on my off day, no more annoying rattling windows. Because Andy was freakin lazy(like always) and didn't want to give me a ride to the Honda dealership, I had to ride the OG razor scooter all the way down there. While riding down to the dealership, I was given odd looks by local pedestrians and people who were driving by. I probably looked like an idiot but I got to do what I got to do right??? Oh yeah, I just found out that Mercedes dealership got the worst warranty ever, no wonder people prefer BMW and their warranty/services over Mercedes. Yet, while I was getting the SL55 fixed I also had the chance to check out the newer model Mercedes. First things first, I went straight to S65, the car is gorgeous. The S65 felt a little more sportier and more refined(fit and finish) but the Lexus LS460 was much more comfortable and felt best for everyday drive. Sadly I don't have the disposable income for either of these luxury automobiles. Nonetheless, the AM-Geezy is still a beast O_O

Monday, December 7, 2009
My Monday sucked, how about yours??? Did you ever had one of those days where you thought that everything was goings so well and believe that the rest of the day will end the same way....until at the end of the day you've gotten nothing out of it? That is exactly that kind of day my Monday felt like. As a result of this, I was so freakin pissed at the end of the day that I just wanted to do something crazy and outragious that would help relieve my anger. I thought about going for a long jog after work but it was a bit too cold and dangerous to run around at night. Then an ingenious idea came to mind, why not go swimming??? So there I went, swam at the Sava pool for 45 min. while it's 40 degree outside. All in all, swimming did the job for me and literally lowered my temperature(since I was so piss).

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Yes, Friday is coming to an end. After I got off work, I had the chance to hit up a free session at the comedy club called the Punchline in the embarcadero. For those to really know me, I'm really into stand up comedies and comedy in general. So my first impression of live stand up comedy was pretty interesting, being at the spot makes each joke that much more funny. Today's guest were Ted Alexandro,Sal Calanni, and Joe Nguyen. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
.....sigh....It's exhausting working five days straight(full time). Every time I get off work, I feel so relief but at the same time I don't want to do anything when I get home. Being old sucks. Oh yeah, best news of the day is this teaser movie poster.


Sunday, November 29, 2009
Just came back from the San Jose flea market. I felt like I just came back from Mexico, especially the long drive back home. Anyhow, today was a nice day to be in the outdoor especially when the sun is out and the temperature was medium warmth. Oh yeah, the movie "2012" was so0o interesting. For those who haven't watched it probably have already heard what the movie was about. In short, the movie was about how our solar system will coincidentally form a straight line at the year 2012, which then triggers an extreme unstable atmosphere on the earth's core/temperature. As a result, natural disaster strikes and the world comes to an end which then leads to another new era called year 1. Nonetheless, awesome movie.

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Today was my first real Saturday off since i've been working. The day started out with some breakfast at "The Kitchen'. Afterward, we did some shopping at Tanforan, there was still a lot of shoppers despite the aftermath of black Friday sales. And after we've shopped at the mall, I miraculously wanted to go for a long run. As I result, I suited up and ran the Millbre hills. Sadly, I find myself more out of shape than ever. My rusty legs needed some dusting off, I could no longer run 5 miles straight. So with more and more frequent rest/walking period, throughout the run, I found my self 10 minutes slower than my usual pace. Anyhow, as I was walking home I saw two old ladies(+70) trying to maneuver a cabinet into the back seats. I don't know why but I just somehow offered those old ladies some help. They thanked me with some religious term(this happened outside the church), they said something like,"Thank God he sent you here at the right time and place to bless us with your help"(simplified version). Anyhow, it's funny what simple things like being a good Samaritans can do for certain people.

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Felt like I haven't post an entry for the longest time. So what I've been up to was just work, work, and more work. I really miss those time when I was just chilling at home and watching TVB series all day long. On the other hand, I do remember those time when I have absolutely nothing to do and bored as hell, not doing anything productive at all. Yet, my only motivation for now are the bi-weekly pay checks. Oh yeah, recently my other aunt had just gave birth to another baby girl, Hilary. The name is kind of weird but oh wells, it didn't stop them from continuing with the awkward names, such as; Isabella,Ceres, Janessa, Ethan, Leeann. And I'm just so happy that I get thanksgiving off tomorrow, that means more free time for myself and the fambam.

Friday, November 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Finally it's the end of Friday from work. So throughout the day, I was doing just fine at work, until people had brought up that today is Friday the 13th. I was like, shut the hell up, you just ruined my day. I think it's really a psychological thing when people tell you that it is Friday the 13th. As a result of this indication, I started to hesitate throughout the entire day while at work, I was like triple checking all my work so I wouldn't F anything up. Anyhow, I managed to do "almost" everything correctly today. Yet, there was also another topic which I was hearing throughout the entire day and the topic is tomorrow's fight, Manny Pacquiao vs Miguel Cotto. For those who follow my blog, ya'll probably are aware that my entire branch employees are Filipinos/as. Because of this segregation, I felt like I was certainly the minority of this Pacquiao fight discussion and they seem to take a lot of pride for their fighter. Some of my co-workers are even going to the extent to fly to Las Vegas just to watch the fight. I mean this is a lot of pride, not only that, but they're spending close to more than a week of their pay check on this trip. Anyhow, if we Chinese have that much pride for their boxer, I'd too one day consider to become a boxer. But in reality, this is less likely to happen for a Chinese boxer, mainly because Chinese are cheap. Seriously, if the fast food joint :Mc Donald's" couldn't make it in Chinatown, I doubt they'll even support any Chinese boxer....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
....sigh....My 2 days vacation is about to end soon, why!?!? Anyhow, yesterday was somewhat of a slow day. I dropped off my mom at the bank and I went off to McDonalds for breakfast. It was kind of an interesting sight at the local McDonalds because all of the customers that were dining-in were older folks, in their late 70's and 80's. I overheard some of their interesting conversations, they were a group of older European/Italian folks who talked about WWII and how their parents use to beat on them when they were young. In addition, they got into a heated discussion about religion and how 2011 will be the end of the world(according to the bible). It's not that I was all up in their business/ease dropping but I was just curious of how the older generations has a completely different view than our current generation. I guess these very two different views are whats keeping our society divided, both politically and socially. Later that night, I went out for dinner with some of my old economics classmate. Only half a year had gone by and already many things have changed. One of my friend is going to move to another state after graduation, while another is having plans for marriage very soon. It seems like when people hit the age of 20, there seems to be more and more pressure by society and their parents; such as a stable career, marriage, kids, and etc. Anyhow, it is true what people use to say, "we should enjoy our youth while we can". I guess now, in our 20's, we should take advantage of the phrase, "live life to the fullest".
As for today, Veterans Day, I hung out with my parents. So we first headed over to a barbershop, which my dad recommended and is located at the hidden allies of Chinatown. I was first skeptical of the place because my bro's were saying that it was located at a ghetto ally and the barber was very old school(use blade). It was no joke when they said that place is located at a ghetto ally, I had to walk through a porno stand, through some gates, down some stairs, and pass the dimly lit neon barber sign"Wai's Barber Shop"(Jackson st., between Stockton and Grant). Once I stepped in, I felt like I stepped back in time, felt like the 70's. The folks there had 70's style hair style along with the whole shop set up. Yet, I must say that the barber was pretty damn good. He did pull out his signature blade, only to give me a fly ass shave; shaved my face and uni brow. Not only was I satisfied with the service and price($5) but he was a really down to earth dude aka Mr. Yee. Afterward, my parents and I went to yum-cha. Following breakfast, we visited my uncle's new apartment. Later that night, our family had a small hotpot dinner....It was "muy deliciouso"
As for today, Veterans Day, I hung out with my parents. So we first headed over to a barbershop, which my dad recommended and is located at the hidden allies of Chinatown. I was first skeptical of the place because my bro's were saying that it was located at a ghetto ally and the barber was very old school(use blade). It was no joke when they said that place is located at a ghetto ally, I had to walk through a porno stand, through some gates, down some stairs, and pass the dimly lit neon barber sign"Wai's Barber Shop"(Jackson st., between Stockton and Grant). Once I stepped in, I felt like I stepped back in time, felt like the 70's. The folks there had 70's style hair style along with the whole shop set up. Yet, I must say that the barber was pretty damn good. He did pull out his signature blade, only to give me a fly ass shave; shaved my face and uni brow. Not only was I satisfied with the service and price($5) but he was a really down to earth dude aka Mr. Yee. Afterward, my parents and I went to yum-cha. Following breakfast, we visited my uncle's new apartment. Later that night, our family had a small hotpot dinner....It was "muy deliciouso"

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Well yesterday was my first day of on a Saturday but I was required to attend a Wachovia employee rally. It was somewhat fun I guess, I had the chance to meet my bosses boss and he was pretty nice and down to earth. In addition, I was able to meet some employees from other branches, along with those coworkers which I had met back in training. The rally included; lunch, awards, guessing games, and a group project of preventing an egg from cracking from a 10 foot fall. Nonetheless, it was a great experience and was able to get to know more about my coworkers from outside of work.
Today was also a fun day. Tony, his friends, and I went on an outdoor bike expedition, estimate total of 35 miles. Again, we rode at Woodside, which includes many up and down hills, along with endurance hill climb. Luckily, the weather turned out great, average between 65-70 degrees. For this reason, the sun wasn't beating on our back like it was suppose to, making it a breezy ride. After some mourning exercise, we attended my little cousin Ceres' first birthday party. Even though we arrived late to the party, there was still a bunch of food left and we made it right on time for the ice-cream cake.
Today was also a fun day. Tony, his friends, and I went on an outdoor bike expedition, estimate total of 35 miles. Again, we rode at Woodside, which includes many up and down hills, along with endurance hill climb. Luckily, the weather turned out great, average between 65-70 degrees. For this reason, the sun wasn't beating on our back like it was suppose to, making it a breezy ride. After some mourning exercise, we attended my little cousin Ceres' first birthday party. Even though we arrived late to the party, there was still a bunch of food left and we made it right on time for the ice-cream cake.

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
So I've been slowly recovering from my sickness but the seasonal allergy is still there. Besides work, I haven't came up with any plans for how I will spend my wonderful 2 days off for Labor Day next week(tuesday+wensday). I probably won't have anything special to do on those particular days but I guess I'll finally come around and have the time/chance to play this game, which I've bought an entire month ago. The game is called, "Punch Out!!!" for Wii, which is a remake of a childhood game I used to play.

Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Uhhhh, I hate allergy season. Anyhow, went to yum-cha this mourning. After breakfast, we went to visit my aunt at the hospital who recently gave birth to our newest member to the family, Lianne. She's a healthy 7 pound baby and very cute. After the short visit, we dropped by my cousin's house again for dinner, this time for the celebration of my uncle's birthday. We seem to have a lot of "get together" these past few weeks and I think I might of gained some weight because it. Nonetheless, it is a day of celebration because we have ourselves a new Halloween baby cousin!

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
After work, I joined some of my friends over at the Valley Fair mall in San Jose, shopped there for a few hours. Following shopping, the family and I got together and had dinner over at my cousin's house. As soon as dinner was over, we all went trick or treating with the kids(little cousins). We walked for about an hour or so, around the sunset neighborhood, and gotten lots and lots of candy+chocolate. All in all, it was a great experience with my little cousins, it just brings back so much memories of when I was like their age ......sigh.... Needless to say, I was part of the chaperons throughout the night.
After work, I joined some of my friends over at the Valley Fair mall in San Jose, shopped there for a few hours. Following shopping, the family and I got together and had dinner over at my cousin's house. As soon as dinner was over, we all went trick or treating with the kids(little cousins). We walked for about an hour or so, around the sunset neighborhood, and gotten lots and lots of candy+chocolate. All in all, it was a great experience with my little cousins, it just brings back so much memories of when I was like their age ......sigh.... Needless to say, I was part of the chaperons throughout the night.

Friday, October 30, 2009
Just returned home not too long ago. I've been slowly recovering from this cold, I blame my co-workers for dragging me to the beach at night and freezing my ass off last week. Anyhow, it's good Friday for me! yippee for payday! After work, I joined some of my old friends down at the san francisco north beach park to play some football. Following some exercise, we dropped by my friend Wilmer's house and played some Tekken 6 on his playstation 3. The game was fun and all, it brought back lots of memories of high school, the game Tekken was the shiznit back in the days. After some quick gaming, a bunch of old friends and I ate dinner at House of Thai at clement st.(Richmond), that place never gets old. The first time I ate at that place was probably in sophomore year in high school, a few buddies of mine introduced me to my first time to Thai food, the spiciness got me hooked instantly. Needless to say, thai food is yummie. I don't know why I am still up, but I will be needing to wake up early tomorrow to open up the bank.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
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